Red Fraction chap 17/17(final)

Jul 14, 2012 20:13

Title: Red Fraction
Rating: NC-17, R
Pairings: Sakuraiba, Juntoshi
Genre: horror, romance, angst
Disclaimer:....i sadly only own eyes and wings....reality sucks

However, Masaki dipped and swiftly dragged his foot across the ground causing the man to fall back.  Yet, he managed to catch his balance and punched Masaki in the face.  “Masaki!” Sho shouted with tears stained onto his face.  Masaki and the demon fought with lightning speed.  When the man had stabbed Masaki in his chest with an open hand.  Masaki fell and Sho just stared.  His body was motionless.  His lovely Masaki.

Seeing him lying there, Sho lost it.  His legs somehow reappeared and Sho ran up to the man grabbed him by the throat.  “Ha! You won’t do it.  You’re just a wimp.”  The demon-like angel laughed.  Sho remained silent he couldn’t even hear the man.  “You... You hurt my Masaki.” Sho looked at him with anger, an expression that never really showed on Sho face.  His eyes were almost burning holes in the man’s face.  He gritted his teeth.  “You...hurt… my… MASAKI!!!”  Sho slammed the man into the ground creating a crater in the ground.

When Sho let go the man pounced on him pointing a blade to his face.  “Don’t think I won’t kill you because you’re my son.  You're vile your hideous wings make me sick.” He said pointing the blade at him.  Sho's anger grew.  He now hated his father with all his being.  His hands grew talons as black feather sprouted from his skin reaching up his arm. He could feel his wings sprouting out his back again.  His legs changes shape to the of some animals hindquarters but was covered and red feathers.  His feet favored the talons of an eagle.  “I thought you and my mother had died. Then I learned my mother loved you and you raped her.  You then killed her and my grandfather went after you.  He tore up your wing so you couldn’t get back to Aurea Portas, because he couldn’t kill you.  You then had the nerve to try and rape my Masaki!” Sho hovered in the air above his father.  “I didn’t try, I did and it was wonderful!” the sickened man laugh.  Sho launched himself onto his father grabbing his throat.   “I have to tell you, demons are the best because they’re so disgusting no one will help them.” He laughed again, “You should’ve heard him scream. Sho-chan! Sho-chan save me!”

Sho's eyes widened and he slowly squeezed the throat was in his hand before it busted spraying the blood onto his face.   Sho broke down crying. Nino lay on the ground crying while Jun managed to crawl over to hug his Ohno.  Sho looked down at his hand.  His hands were covered black feathers as he had long claws.  He stared at his hand before shaking.  The blood soaking the feathers scared him.  "At least it's over." he sighed hugging Masaki's body and turning back to normal.  Masami picked Nino up carrying him on her back.  “Sho?” she looked at the man who hugged his lover’s body.  “Sho?” Masami touched Sho and found that he was shivering tremendously.  He was crying, “Sho he’ll be alright.” Masami said but Sho would not listen.  “Sho.  I gave Masaki all my demon powers.” She said and Sho looked at her.  “He won’t die especially since he has something to tell.” She said.  Soon Sho could feel Masaki rubbing his finger against his face.  “Sho...” Masaki whispered.  “Masaki!” Sho hugged him so tight.  “Sho… it hurts!” Masaki squealed “sorry!” Sho forgot about the injury “just don’t hurt the baby.” Masaki said rubbing his stomach.  Sho stared at him before it sank in.  “You’re…pregnant?” he gasped.  Masaki only smiled.  Sho quickly hugged Masaki once again. Masaki could only laugh and patted Sho's hair.


After about three months, later Masaki's tummy finally started to grow.  Sho's wings grew back and were a beautiful white with gold tips.  He had taken his grandfather's throne.  Nino became the new leader of Ardens Defessa.  Ohno and Jun had decided to stay on earth living with Sho, Masaki, and Masami with the occasional Nino. And after three more months Masaki's belly was getting bigger each month as he was actually eight months pregnant now.  Sho was extremely happy but always worries too.  Every day he would do his best to take care of him but usually failed in some way.  Nino and Jun helped him as well.  The doctor said that Masaki will need help walking and bathing.  Also he would have to get around in a wheelchair until the baby comes, which was a girl.  They had named her ‘Haru’.

It was morning and Sho looked at Masaki's sweet angelic face.  He traced his finger over his smooth cheek.  His purple eyes fluttered open.  “Gomen. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Sho kissed his lover’s forehead.  Masaki just smiled.  “Un.  I love waking up to your sleepy face.” Masaki said grinning at the man who was indeed half sleep.  “Alright let’s get up.” Sho said getting out of bed.  He walked over to Masaki and helped him out of bed.  He held his hand and back as he led them to their bathroom.

He carefully pulled Masaki's pajamas off while he ran the bath water.  “Banzai!” Sho shouted and Masaki raised his arms in a pout “I’m not five.” “You pout like you are.” He always smiled when he saw Masaki's tummy and kiss every time he got a chance.  Masaki just smiled and caressed Sho's hair.  “Okay let’s get in.” Sho said.  He held Masaki's hand and most of his weight as he stepped over the edge into the warm water.  Masaki eased down and he and Sho were now facing each other.  Sho was shampooing Masaki’s hair when the door slammed open.  “Hey you have a package!” Masami shouted.  “Don’t come in here!” Masaki yelled covering his member.  “We shared a body.  Besides just like when we were seven it’s little anyway!” she shouted before closing the door.

“Is my junior that little? I'm not that small right?” he said looking down.  When Sho didn’t say anything, he quickly looked up.  “Hey I’m not right?!” he shouted.  “Well…the baby isn’t helping.” Sho tried to pass it over but Masaki wouldn’t allow it.  “So you're saying that it’s little?!” he kept shouting.  “It’s cute so it don’t matter right?” Sho said.  “I don’t want it to look cute!” Masaki said.  “All because you're so freaking huge you think it's funny huh? I know for sure that I- itai!” he quickly put his hand on his belly. “Masaki? Is everything all right?” Sho asked frantically.  “Um…I think she’s coming.” Masaki smiled behind the pain.  Sho face dropped.  He looked at the water they were sitting in. “oh shit! Masami!!”.


A/N: TADA!! i really liked writing this story. it's the second story that i posted that was not really planned out.  and it turned out kinda how i wanted to.  so enjoy and tell me what you think okie?

r*: nc-17, g*:romance, p*: sakuraiba, t*: red fraction, g*: drama, g*:angst, c*: matsumoto jun, c*: aiba masaki, c*: ninomiya kazunari, g*: horror, c*: ohno satoshi, g*:mpreg, fanfic, l*: multi, c*:sakurai sho, g*: smut, p*juntoshi

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