Red Fraction chap 16/17

Jul 14, 2012 18:52

Title: Red Fraction
Rating: NC-17, R
Pairings: Sakuraiba, Juntoshi
Genre: horror, romance, angst
Disclaimer:....i sadly only own eyes and wings....reality sucks

Masaki stood firm despite the fear this man had installed in him.  “where’s your sister?” he asked Masaki.  “I don’t need her to protect my Sho chan.” Masaki said.  Sho's father only laughed.  Masaki looked over to Sho.  He closed his eyes ‘Masami please give me your strength.’ He pleaded to her. ‘fine but in exchange you let me be human.  I want to finally be normal.’ She said to him ‘deal’  he accepted her request before his eyes glowed purple and his hair crimson.

“I might not win but at least I fought back.” Masaki ran towards the man.  He successfully punched him causing him to lose a tooth.  Sho's father looked at him with shock before swinging to punch Masaki back but he dipped and got behind the older man and hugged his waist.  “what the- HAAAAHHH!!!!” he screamed as Masaki tightened his grip to crush his ribs.  He managed to reach behind him and grab Masaki's head and squeezed his head before he let go.  Masaki jumped back before running towards the old angel again.

They both clashed into each other tossing the other back.  Masaki launched himself towards the man again but he caught both of his arms,  “too bad he’s already dead.” He said looking over to Sho.  Masaki stopped and looked over to the torn man.  He wasn’t moving and he had lost way too much blood.  Masaki's eyes looked to the floor that was completely covered in blood.  “look around you do you think you have a chance?”  he was told.  Masaki turned to see Nino who has crawled out from under the rubble.  His arm was injured and his legs were still buried.   He saw Ohno in the other corner still breathing but was coughing up blood.  He saw Jun who's eyes lacked life.  He saw all his friends beaten so badly.  This was the first time he ever had friends and they were all hurt.

He couldn’t do anything about  it.  He looked back to Sho who looked up.  His eyelids were heavy, but he tried to open them.  “Sho-chan don’t move!” he forgot about the man next to him who quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.  “you shouldn’t get so distracted.” The man’s groggy voice laughed while Masaki whelped in pain.  He threw Masaki on the ground still holding his arm.  He placed his foot between Masaki's shoulders as he started to pull on his arms.  Masaki screamed loudly as his bones snapped and broke into pieces before the man let go.

He picked him up and sat him against the wall.  “why is it that you people don’t give up?” the man sighed “because we want to be happy for once unlike y- urmph!” Sho's father stuck something in Masaki's mouth and pushed it down his throat to make him swallow it.  “well since you talk so damn much that was easy.  Now let’s what happens when you blow up.” He laughed before stabbing Masaki's leg.

Sho heard him screaming as the dark figure blending into the night lightly tug on Aiba’s skin.    “Let’s see if you’re the same on the inside?” a deep crooked voice laughed as his hand  pierced Aiba’s thigh.  “Sho-chan!!” Aiba screamed but Sho was stuck he couldn’t move his wings were shredded and his legs were torn off. All Sho could do was watch as the man dragged his dull nails deep into Aiba’s flesh.  Aiba’s screams were clear as Sho saw the man ripping and twisted Aiba’s leg trying to jerk it out the socket of his hip.  “AAAHHH!!!!” Aiba screeched as loud as a siren only to get louder and higher before his back bubbled up threatening to explode.

As the building pressure increased Aiba’s back, it started to bulge against his skin. Detonated spreading his flesh and blood all around him.  Sho's eyes stared widely as he saw the room covered in blood as pieces of flesh dripped down the walls.  It was the same as that dream he had a year ago.  He looked down to where Masaki was and he just saw a pile of flesh.  He broke down crying “that was easy.” His father dusted his hands as he looked over to Sho “sorry buddy but he’s dead now.”  He smirked.  To see the one he knew to love him so sweetly was gone and in such a cruel way.  “Why?” Sho cried  “it was delightful” the man said pretending to be Jun.  “Killing you’re dear Masaki and your bitch of a mother” he laughed.  “I’m not dead yet” Masaki stood and Masami stood next to him.  “stop  hurting MY SHO!!!” Masaki dashed towards the man with speed he wasn’t supposed to have.  Masaki raised his and only for the man to block his punch.  “you should’ve kept pretending or I’ll make sure you won't ever get up again. Give up you're weak.”

r*: nc-17, g*:romance, p*: sakuraiba, t*: red fraction, g*: drama, g*:angst, c*: matsumoto jun, c*: aiba masaki, c*: ninomiya kazunari, g*: horror, c*: ohno satoshi, g*:mpreg, fanfic, l*: multi, c*:sakurai sho, g*: smut, p*juntoshi

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