Don't wanna know where you been.

Dec 15, 2008 20:08

This weekend was really quite awesome, despite the sorry way it started out. Friday and Saturday during the day were spent painting, plastering, and cleaning my house in Brockport. It needs a lot of loving but once we fix it (and it's coming along nicely), it will look classy and well put together. I'm excited to see the final product. Mom helped me with the house on Friday, and we went to Burger King for lunch and just had some really awesome quality time. The whole family helped on Saturday, and Dad & I brought subs back to the house from Wegmans for lunch and we all ate the first meal at my dining room table! Friday night, Gerri and I went to Jensen's new apartment and had a really freaking awesome time. I have some good friends and I hope they know how much I love them and appreciate them. Saturday night, I met Gerri at Brennen's for a little while, then we went to Nikki's for a party. It was a good time, I met a lot of people & made some new friends. Not to mention saw Bran for the first time in forever. Sunday, after waking up and driving home from Gerri's, I watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my sister. It was so nice to be lazy and not have homework/studying to worry about. And to think, I have six more glorious weeks of break =). Sunday night, Gerri & Bran & I went ice skating downtown. We lasted about 20 minutes before we realized we were starving & our feet hurt. So we went to Gitsis and had their version of garbage plates. Pretty good! Then we picked up Mike and met Randy in Irondequoit and drove back to the city to go to Java's...but it was closed! So we settled for Starbucks and I had an awesome hot chocolate! Today Mom and I worked on the house again for a couple hours and got quite a bit done. It's really starting to look nice.

I have like, four doctors appointments this week, and my procedure is on Monday. I'm nervous, but I know it needs to be done & that I will be able to get better once they diagnose me & know what's wrong so they can start deciding how to make it better (if that will even be possible). That being said, I can't wait till Monday is over anyway because it is a little nerve-racking. Anyway. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment at 3, and I think I'm working on the house again before that, & going with Gerri to get something pierced after. Should be interesting - maybe I'll get something pierced too! That's usually how it ends up.

I'm finally picking up where I left off on the Harry Potter series & starting to read book number 5. Hopefully I'll beast my way through it and be able to read 6 & 7 before the end of break. I have so much to get done before school starts again. Oh well, we shall see. But I have to get up semi-early, so I think I'm going to go read now & then get some sleep. I actually think I won't make this entry friends Maybe I just don't care who sees this thing anymore.
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