Oct 27, 2008 16:33
- I wanna go back to Cabo mannn.
-Lauren is so cute, I can't wait to have girlfriendsss
-JB is disgusting! When he was talking to Audrina their first dinner in Cabo and he kept doing that thing with his mouth. Just ew.
-Are there no decent guys on this show? Seriously, they're all jerks. Except Cory, so far.
-YES! Audrina is FINALLY getting a clue!!!
-Where's Lo? Did Brody fire her?
-Why are they saying under JB's name "Audrina's boyfriend"?
-Why would any of these sleazebags get girlfriends? They're disgusting, Brody, Doug all of them.
-Oh so many hos.
-How did Steph get a pretty boy?
-I've figured it out I think SPENCER LOOKS LIKE A CABBAGE PATCH DOLL! An evil one...
-I'm really starting to enjoy this show...
-Audrina, girlfriend, just go up to JB and say "We're done, case closed" and stop talking to him. See? CUT HIM OUT. That's the only way to get over a shoddy dude.
-Haha Lauren's all sunburned.
-On next week: Oh my gosh! Audrina's driving me nuts, I don't know how much longer I can watch her be a complete fool.
Does anyone read/enjoy these? If not I'm going to stop and just keep my thoughts to myself. So if you're anonymous or whatever but enjoy reading these Hillz things please lemme knowww.
the hills