Hot, hot, HOT!!!

Jul 29, 2008 21:50

I haven't said much about it, but Denver is in the middle of a heat wave. Tomorrow, we break a longstanding record of consecutive days above 90 degrees. It will be the 18th day in a row and there is no end in sight. In fact, it's going to get hotter, rising to 99 and 101 in the next couple of days.

I've been doing without my AC for the most part. It helps that it gets down into the 60's and even the high 50's at night. It's also been clouding up in the afternoons, taking the edge off the heat and bringing breezes. But when it hits 100, that breeze starts to feel like a blast furnace.

I'll probably be using my AC the next few days. I'm all for saving energy, but I'm not nuts.

The heat today was good for something. I turned out two loaves of decent whole wheat bread, made with half white, half whole wheat flour. I could have done a better job of shaping the loaves before baking, but it tastes quite good. I had some of it with my dinner and while it's a bit... chewier? (I don't know if that's the word. It's just a little heartier than your average store-bought whole wheat bread), the texture is good and like the last loaf, has a nice even grain to it. I'm pleased.


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