I'm a lemming - TV boyfriends meme

Mar 21, 2008 22:56

All the cool kids are doing it!

(not dial-up friendly)

Kavan Smith as Major Lorne on SGA. Woof. I'm not really into tats but I'll make an exception here. I have a weakness for secondary characters anyway, so I fell for him in the first 5 minutes of Runner

Daniel Jackson. D'uh. Whether he's wearing his 'I will never fuck you' look or lying broken on a cell floor he's hot. Love the emotional range of this character

I'll take either John or Cam, please and thank you.

John Sheppard. Shut up. He's sexy as hell on his knees and I happen to love his various facial expressions.

It's unanimous, everyone loves RDA. Count me in. He can be Jack O'Neill or MacGyver or whomever he wants.

To finish out my Stargate Universe boyfriends, I can't ignore Ronon. Another case where the tats don't bother me. He has a very attractive primal quality to him that I just can't ignore.

Leaving my Stargate boyfriends behind, I move on to other men I adore. I fell for this guy way back in Remington Steele. Liked him as James Bond, too. Totally Guh! in The Thomas Crowne Affair. Damn.

I'll watch Will Smith in almost anything (except Legend, because dude, it's depressing as hell). Men in Black, Independance Day, etc. He's gorgeous and has a killer sense of humor.

Skeet Ulrich as Jake on Jericho. Haunted, but basically a good guy with surprising skills, I just watched him break down on an ep. Wow. Bloody and freezing and trapped - it was fabulous.

Steve Valentine as Nigel on Crossing Jordon. I'm not sure we ever figured out his sexuality for sure, but he's 6'5" of oddball, gothy goodness with a British accent. I miss him.

So, there we go. If you ask me tomorrow, I'm sure my answers would be different.


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