Meme/question thingy snagged from all over

Mar 19, 2008 14:12

I've seen this all over and since I'm hanging out waiting for phone calls, I might as well do this one. Most recently seen with aurora_novarum

Stargate Universe Question Meme )


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lilacwire March 19 2008, 20:41:34 UTC
I really, REALLY need to watch more SGA. *goes to fiddle with Netflix*


shutthef_up March 19 2008, 21:02:49 UTC
You do! And you now have plenty of time to catch up!


lilacwire March 19 2008, 21:07:35 UTC
I was reading through your poll and was like, "OMG CARTER IS IN SGA!?" And then I squeed a bit.


shutthef_up March 19 2008, 21:11:28 UTC
Hee! Yes, but just in Season 4 and not as much as many of us would like. But she's there and she rocks!


lilacwire March 19 2008, 21:13:34 UTC
Holy crap, there are already 4 seasons? 0.o I've only seen Season 1 and loved the crap out of it.

By the by, Costco is selling SG-1 for $20 a season.


shutthef_up March 19 2008, 21:24:38 UTC
Yay! I already have all the seasons of both shows on DVD, but thanks! Others on my flist may benefit.

Season 4 just finished a couple of weeks ago and Season 5 doesn't start until July.

If you need the S4 eps, let me know. I can hook you up ;)


lilacwire March 19 2008, 21:25:44 UTC
I'm going to do my best to get to S4! Woo!


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