Meme/question thingy snagged from all over

Mar 19, 2008 14:12

I've seen this all over and since I'm hanging out waiting for phone calls, I might as well do this one. Most recently seen with aurora_novarum

1. Who is your favorite SG-1 character?
Daniel. Has been for a long, long time. But Sam runs a very, very close second.

2. Who is your favorite Atlantis character?
Lorne. A secondary character, I know. I'm hopeless.

3. What is your favorite SG-1 episode?
Geez, depends on so much. But for good old fashioned butt-kicking right along with some good character stuff, Jolinar's Memories.

4. Who is your favorite SG-1 villain?
Apophis - King of the coming back from the dead thing and fabulously over the top.

5. Who is your favorite SGA villain?
Larrin. Or is she really a villain? Well, she beat the snot out of Shep and later kissed him, so who knows? I suspect she has her own agenda in any case, which won't jibe well with ours.

6. P-90 or Zat?
P-90 (Precioussssss)

7. you'll be…Jaffa or Tok’ra?

8. Goa’uld mother ship or X-303?
X-303, because it's just that cool!

9. Ori or Ancient?
Ancient. I don't want to burn anyone alive.

10. Who is the best O’Neill.. Kurt Russell or Richard Dean Anderson?
RDA, no contest.

11. The best Daniel Jackson…James Spader or Michael Shanks?
Shanks, of course, though I'm fond of Spader, too.

12. Asgard or Replicator?
Asgard, absolutely, even though they're not, er, anatomically correct ;)

13. Who is the best leader of Atlantis, Weir or Carter?
Sorry, but Carter. Brunette Weir never clicked for me.

14. Who is best leader of the SGC...Hammond, O’Neill, Weir or Landry?
General George! But I don't mind Landry much at all.

15. Jonas Quinn or Vala Mal Doran?
I'm going to have to go with Jonas on this one. I don't dislike Vala at all, in fact I love her, but I always thought she would have been better as a recurring character who showed up now and again to make Daniel's life hell.

16. Col. Mitchell or Dr. Fraiser?
What an odd choice. I have to go with Mitchell here. I liked Janet a lot, but I thought her death was meaningful in all the right ways and I'd never trade her for Mitchell, who's turned out to be a great character.

17. Who would you kill first...Apophis, Baal, Cronos, Hathor, Yu or Anubis?
Anubis, because he was the biggest threat in a lot of ways.

18. Keller or Beckett?
Sorry again. Keller.

19. In a 1 on 1 fight, who would win...Teal’c or Ronon?
After 100 hours, Teal'c would come out ahead. Greater stamina.

20. What is your favorite Atlantis episode?
I could give you least favorite, but favorite? I think I have to go with Common Ground. I know, Lorne's not even in it. Runner is a close second for the first 5 minutes of LorneSnark and introducing us to an interesting new character in Ronon.

21. Carter or Mckay?
Sam, no contest. I'm not much of a McKay fangirl.

22. Dr. Bill Lee or Radek Zelenka?
This one's tougher, but I think I have to go with Radek.

23. Stargate the movie (1994) or The Ark Of Truth?
The Ark of the Truth, though it isn't really a fair comparison.

24. Major Lorne or Major Davis?
Major Lorne. D'uh.

25 and finally, SG-1 or Atlantis?
SG-1 by a mile. I like Atlantis but it has a long, long way to go to be on a level with SG-1 (Though we should all remember that SG-1 had plenty of cheesy eps in its first few years. By the time SGA came along, the bar had risen pretty high)

Meh, X-Files' Emily is playing on Sci-Fi. That was an ep I didn't really like.

And wow! Canadian Actor Bingo! There's Col. Reynolds as one of the evil, green-blooded shape-shifting guys! Yay!

It's a beautiful day here and I have all the doors open. Also, I'm cogitating on a fun fannish thing.


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