I live.

Sep 29, 2007 11:12

Yes, I live and breathe, despite being very quiet LJ-wise since the Great Blind Date that was Dragon*Con.

Getting right to it, I really liked SGA. I think they must have blown the SFX budget for the entire season on this ep. Well, I hope not. Or maybe they inherited SG1's SFX budget.

Because wow! That scene with Sheppard and Zelenka doing the space-jump looked just awesome. Love the way the shot pivoted around like an old-school crane shot. Nice!

And okay. I understand people are unhappy about losing Weir/Torri, but if you gotta go, this is the way to do it. I fall firmly on John's side, which also seems to be Elizabeth's side as well. Another of those practically trademarked Really Bad Ideas. SGA is just full of them. Michael? Screwing over the Genii? Turning an entire ship of Wraith into people (who we can't just turn around and kill, because HELLO! They're people now - or are they)? Preemptively attacking the Replicators? All from the Really Bad Idea department.

No, I'm not slagging on the writers. I think it's cool to see us fuck things up, sometimes royally. I'm just not always satisfied with the resolution. But then, if I had my way they'd all die for their incredibly bad judgement and there'd be no more show. So. Good thing I'm not a show runner ;)

Still working on the apocalypse_kree story that ATE MY BRAIN!!! I need to finish this story before I get stuck working a zillion hours a week again. Hopefully this weekend and then I can retrieve my soul-bit from surreallis. Not that it hasn't been having a grand old time hanging out at Jenn's with the other soul-bits, but really, just how much beer and porn can a soul-bit take, huh? Her computer room is just a bit too inviting if you ask me.

Me: C'mon SB (aka soul-bit), would it be too much to ask for a little help here?

SB: Ppppth, what have you done for me lately?

Me: Uh, Hello! Dragon*con?

SB: Yeah, after months of soul-killing overtime! It's Bud time.

Me: You know, you keep drinkin' like that and I'm not even going to *want* you to come back! You'll poison what's left of my brain cells.

SB: Try it, you'll like it. Promise. :::sends evil subspace telepathic messages:::

Me: Aaaaargh!

So... yeah. You see how it is. Also, I must shop for food again this weekend. I really wish I had the foresight to buy enough food for a long time. Well, and money. I find food shopping pretty much a pain in the ass and do not enjoy the experience. And I have to like, plan meals or else end up living on frozen pizza and burritos for a couple of weeks. Which works but really isn't the best plan in the universe.

But Yay! I'm hopefully going to meet up with abyssinia4077 for breakfast on Sunday! She's staying downtown for a wedding.

Also I have some decent Dragon*con pics to post. I need to whip them into shape first with Not-Photoshop as they're kind of huge. Comcast offers a different Not-Photoshop which I may try to download and use if my cranky old computer will co-operate.

sga, dragoncon

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