Fannish rambling... and stuff.

Jul 07, 2007 07:22

So, I have this... theory about Bratac and I realized I've never said anything about it to anyone.

Speculation about Jaffa Sexuality )


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shutthef_up July 8 2007, 01:54:40 UTC
Heh... Jack bribes Daniel and Sam to 'take one for the team' once in a while :D They draw straws?

J: Daniel, it's your turn to keep T company for the night.
D: Really? Already?
S: Sir, I believe it's my turn.
D: No, no, it's all right, Sam.
S: No, I insist. You did it last week.
D: Uh, I don't mind doing it again. Really.
J: Are you two *actually* arguing over which of you gets to...
D: :::shifty look:::
S: ::: Bites lip - looks anywhere but at her CO:::
D: (whispers) Race ya...
S: (whispers back) You're on!
J: Hey, I can *hear* you - I'm *right here*!
Sam and Daniel race down the SGC corridor. Jack can hear them laughing over the shouts of startled Airmen.
J: When did this plan go to completely to hell? I've gotta find out T's secret.

Or they take turns dropping Teal'c off at the local brothel? Waiting outside? That's amusing in and of itself. Remember the original 48 Hours with Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte?

Um, I'm going totally from memory and Gateworld synopses here, but it was while they were in Harrod and Sallis' bodies and in their house. After the 6 hours of prostration. They go upstairs and Daniel is searching their belongings for... something. Vala flops on the bed. Kneeling on the floor, Daniel picks up a small wooden box from the bedside table, opens it and takes out what appears to be a small foil packet and shakes it, puts it back. It's right before Vala finds the Book of Ori with the stones in it.

I actually figured it was a little joke by the props people (foil? on *that* world)) but Daniel never even looks at the thing. Just puts it back in the box. I was hoping for a little comment in the commentaries, but there wasn't. It seems an odd little thing in that context. If Daniel was looking for something, wouldn't he actually *look* at the thing in his hand? But he doesn't. I'm wondering if he didn't to keep from laughing or something.

And... there I go... brain running off in crazy directions ;)


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shutthef_up July 8 2007, 03:04:42 UTC
I really wish I were better at comment fic. My original thought for Sam and Daniel was "OMG... NO!", but then I realized it was Teal'c. Big, beautiful, soulful and the Sex God of the Jaffa Nation! Who wouldn't want a little of that?

Poor Jack has *no* idea of what he's missing :D

Well, you can see that I must have condoms on the brain or something. I have no frakking idea of what, exactly, what was *supposed* to be in that box, but it was right next to the bed.

As a totally TMI aside, Ex used to keep condoms in a tanned bull scrotum (he got it at some sales convention thing) next to the bed ;) Hey, it seemed oddly appropriate.


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shutthef_up July 8 2007, 04:02:46 UTC
Bull scrotum? *snicker* Um...guys are weird :)

I *know*! *I* was the Pagan in that pairing. He was Jewish. Pagan/Jewish is fairly compatible, but WTH was up with that?

Hmm, I'm thinking on it... got an 'Unending' tag that's prodding me right now.


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