Sunday morning - Aftermath

Jun 24, 2007 08:24

I'm finally feeling human again. It's only taken a metric buttload of antibiotics (and more to go), a chiropractic adjustment and an hour massage, but I'm there. I will never, ever let something that doesn't heal for months go again. Systemic staph is nothing to mess with, yo. I've never felt so completely wretched with no specific complaint. No sore throat (which had always been my indicator until I had them out about 10 years ago), no gastrointestinal symptoms, not even much of a fever. Nothing but total exhaustion and body aches so bad my doctor gave me vicodin for them. Doc Flanigan rocks. (For those who may not know, my doc shares his last name with Joe Flanigan from Atlantis. No relation as far as I know).

I was just really... flat yesterday (as my Ex used to put it). It means to be quiet, perhaps contemplative, and not very interested in much of anything. Don't know if it was the fact that Stargate has ended (probably) or that I was recovering from my adjustment and massage (not unlikely).

While Unending seems to have inspired a lot of people to write fic, I'm feeling rather un-ficcish. I think part of it is that I was quite satisfied overall with it. It wasn't perfect, no, but it was good and the last scene was fitting. They left things open-ended and not completely resolved. For the movies, sure, but I like to think for us, the fans, as well. So we can continue the journey with the team, because they're still out there, doing what they do.

For myself, I think I'd better write some fic very soon or I'm going to shut down. Scary thought. I need to write something - anything, to keep it going in my brain. I've never been around for the end of a show I've cared about so much and wrote about. I'd sort of quit caring much about the X-files by the time it ended and never wrote fic for it anyway. due South was over by the time I found it.

surrealphantast has written a really lovely J/S piece for Unending here. I don't think you have to be a die-hard J/S fan to enjoy it. But it's angsty and achy and I think fits the mood so very, very well. And rowan_d wrote a very cool Sam/Teal'c piece, here. Again, a really nice angsty feel to it.

So, yeah. I need to write something. I've got things I have to do, but it feels critical that I come up with something. I doubt it'll be a post-ep, but that doesn't matter.


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