LJ Back! SG1 Book Review, etc.

May 26, 2007 07:58

I'm hard at work finishing my sd_ficathon story for hoshi_reed and it's coming along nicely. I hope to finish today and send it off for beta.

In the meantime, I wrote a partial book review for the SG-1 tie-in novel A Matter of Honor on Thursday night, but was unable to post it. Fortunately, I saved it, so I'm posting it now.

I bought the first three Fandemonium SG-1 tie-in novels, now that we're on the downhill side of the television series. I've basically only been reading on the bus, so I'm not making very fast progress, but I figured they'd keep my head 'in the game' so to speak for my fic. Just FYI, I started with A Matter of Honor because it says 'Book One' on the front. Um... no. I *just* noticed that it's actually number three, according to the reference on the spine. So is this Part One of two books? Dunno.

I'm finding it a pleasant read though. Characterization is good. Jack is probably the best drawn, followed by a good take on Sam, too. Teal'c is a bit more talky than we see him in the series, but that's really to be expected of a book. And welcome - he's still *very* in character, complete with his extremely dry sense of humor. Daniel is probably the most... different, but not in any bothersome kind of way. And saying he's the most different of all four really isn't saying much. Daniel is pretty much my central character, so... YMMV. I still like this Daniel quite a bit, nothing wrong with him at all. Thankfully, he's not whiny or petulant or any of those fanon things that drive me nuts. He gets whumped a bit, but that's pretty standard for him on-screen or off. He's not the only one either. Actually they all get a bit whumped, though this isn't what I'd call a 'whumping' story or hurt/comfort.

The world-building is good too, taking us to a culture that isn't horribly different from Earth's, but just different enough to provide tension. And it's got Kinsey in it, so those of you who love the political intrigue aspects of Stargate SG-1 should be pleased. I'm not spoiling anything here that isn't revealed in the first couple of chapters of the book. Oh! A Matter of Honor strongly references the episode A Matter of Time. The book takes place five years after that episode and after Daniel's return from Ascension. There are a couple of references to that. I think this book is at least as cohesive to the canon series as the show is itself.

Is it fanfic? Well, that's really more of a philosophical question. I think tie-in novels really are not much more than sanctioned fanfic. But this book, by Sally Malcolm, represents at least for me, the very best of gen fanfic. It holds *very* close to the series. However, I'd also say it's *very* different from the two fanzines I bought (and loathed). Light years better than that dreck, for the most part. I'm allowing that one or two of the stories out the fanzine bunch didn't make me want to barf.

One small warning for die-hard slashers or anyone else positively allergic to even the smallest Jack/Sam references. There are a few moments from Jack's POV that sort of touch on that. Don't get me wrong, there is NO ship, but perhaps the smallest touch of UST here and there. Thus far, nothing as pointed as we saw at points in the series, but it's there and I feel obligated to warn for it. Like in the television show, I can also see a tiny bit of Sam/Daniel UST, too, but that takes a bit more reading between the lines ;) Overall, this book is a great TEAM story, though. Anyone who really likes the whole SG-1 team should enjoy it. Warning #2. If you're looking for fabulous Jack/Daniel moments, well, I haven't seen many of them. Jack and Daniel obviously have a good relationship, but it's not 'buddy fic', either. Again, the focus is really on The Team.

I honestly don't mind paying a few bucks for a good read and so far this is shaping up to be one. So much for my in-progress book report :)

Okay, back to work!

book review

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