Where'd my weekend go?

Jan 28, 2007 17:03

Well, I can't say I wasn't productive. I got about 10 hours of work done, did laundry, fixed a crock-pot meal and watched a lot of Stargate. Worked a bit on a special project fic. It's coming along really nicely and I'm quite excited about it. Still have some details to work out, but I'm very pleased with it thus far.

I really wish I had more time for writing as I really can just grab a couple hours here and there, but sometimes I get more done when I don't have a lot of free time stretching out in front of me. That can make me lazy, knowing that I can always do stuff 'later'.

Oh, and had a big 'ole rant about Atlantis that's currently under Private lock and may remain that way. I wish I could be more excited about Atlantis, but it's just not happening. I'm fairly unspoiled, but even the 'official' ep descriptions are leaving me feeling rather lukewarm about them. I'm generally more upbeat about these things and have some confidence in tptb to give us a good show, but I'm just not feeling the love this time. I'm totally 'meh' on the casting spoilers. I'm not much fussed about them. I'm far more concerned with the general makeup and theme of the show and not feeling very hopeful that it will fill the gap left by the end of SG-1.

I *am* very hopeful for the last half of SG-1. While everyone's been fabulous about keeping spoilers behind cuts, I see a lot of enthusiasm and excitement about the eps that people have seen. I *could* get the eps if I wanted to, but I tried that and it was generally too dark to really see much. I'll just bite my nails and wait until it airs on Sci-Fi here.

I got a tip-off that work is going to get a lot more stressful and intense in the next couple of weeks. I'm handling it fine, so far, but we'll see after this week. I've been in the office six days a week and doing work at home on Sunday, for the last two weeks, so we'll see how I feel by the end of this coming week. Hope I don't lose my mind.

I can't say much, but I think the... environment will be changing soon, too. We're supposed to go to a mandatory Ethics seminar this week, which I probably won't have time to attend. In the past, we've just gotten a CD with the policies on it and had to sign a statement that we'd read the information and agreed to it. There have been a couple of incidents recently and I suspect a big crack-down is coming. Which probably won't really affect me much, but will make everyone tense and paranoid for awhile.

At least LJ's been pretty quiet, at least my little part of it. I sometimes wish it wasn't, but I don't have the time to spend much time on it anyway.

rl, sg-1, atlantis

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