I'm totally enjoying this show more than I should. Or maybe it's just the lack of SG-1 that's getting to me.
Friday night had two eps. One of them had Paul McGillion (Dr. Carson Beckett/Atlantis) in it as a 'fixer' of sorts, who could make people 'disappear'. He was really good, too. No Scot accent, however, which was fine.
Then, the second epi had a bit of glee in it, in the form of Lee Majors. Except I couldn't remember the actor's name and was stuck on Steve Austin, his character from the Six Million Dollar Man. The very end of the ep was just so very cool and amusing. See, his character had retired from the NSA and was a bit... cracked. But he'd been a star agent, in his day. He had alluded at one point about experimental stuff that had been done to him back then, too, and tried to pick Jake's brain about his own alterations. Especially after he set Jake up to get the crap beat out of him, but he prevailed instead.
So, at the very end of the ep, he and Jake are sitting around, talking about cars. $100,000 cars. Jake's throwing models out and 'Dick' is shooting them down. Jake suggests one and 'Dick' says, "Hell, I can run faster than that car", or something like that and walks away to get a Fresca(!) Jake says, "Really?" and they play that sound from Six Million Dollar Man whenever Steve did something super-strong. Seriously. They did. I loved the melding of the two canons. Very cool, because, you know, it just *could* have happened that way. I think
surrealphantast would have loved it.
I really should be working, but needed a break from coding my brains out. I've put in, what? something like 6 hours today? I went into the office, but absolutely no one else was there. It was snowing, so I suspect that kept the few people who'd planned on coming in away. And we're going to be working major overtime this next week to get the 1099s out on time so... But I need to get this stuff done *before* that, so... yeah. LOTS of OT. It should go a ways in digging out of the financial hole I've found myself in, though, so that's good.
Anway, I left work because I was getting creeped out and the alarm systems kept going off. So I packed up a bunch of work and brought it home, where I can do it while I watch my own little mini-marathon of SG-1 DVDs.
I *am* planning on taking a couple of vacation days as soon as things slow down a *little*. They're never going to slow down a lot, but I can probably take a long weekend sometime in February.