Well, hello there, LJ land

Sep 04, 2010 16:50

So... haven't posted in LJ in a long long while. Been lurking a bit in the fic communities here recently. Hope you all are well. Since the VM fandom craze I've gotten involved fleetingly with other fandoms, but nothing that's absorbed me so completely as Adam Lambert in the last year, and this summer's Glam Nation Tour specifically.

I've, uh, basically become a groupie this summer. But a SANE, rational one. I hope. I've been to 9 shows so far, and have 2 more planned. I've waited in long lines to be at the front in General Admission shows, I've hung out by the tour buses and taken paparazzi-type pics of dancers and band members passing by, I've gotten autographs and pictures with the band, I've taken thousands of photos (many of which I'm surprisingly pleased with), and I've met an amazing group of fellow fans along the way.

I'm not really "out" with my AFL-stanning to more than family and a few close friends. And some of those don't even know the extent of my concert-goings this summer. But I try to have some perspective about it - I have the time and resources to do this right now, I'm not embarrassing myself (too much) and I'm absolutely loving it.

I'll be doing some catching up this weekend. Interested to see who's still active here from the VM:MMM days and what you're into now. :)
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