Jan 07, 2010 18:18
ATTN: Discedo Medical Personnel
Subject: Chip placement, extraction, methods of removal
Although I am newly arrived myself, I am well enough acquainted now with the generals of this world, thanks to several sources of information found upon this network.
The inhibition chip, although a nuisance as far as its limitation of natural and extranatural abilities are concerned, is also apparently a rather real danger given its ability to force emulation of emotional aspects and to control psychological states.
Information regarding its probable locations, removal methods, and care and treatment afterward seems necessary. If there is some manner with which I can trade or barter for this service, I am willing to do so.
It is important that we remain in cooperation in this environment. The Organization is currently our best chance at surviving this new world, until new plans can be made.
[text entry],
*notice: organization members,
*notice: medics/doctors