(no subject)

May 06, 2010 21:30

[begin minor bitch]

castle_tv members, is it necessary to make 2 or 3 posts about the same damn thing? SCROLL DOWN ON THE COMM PAGE AND CHECK TO SEE IF SOMEONE'S POSTED IT ALREADY. I know we're all excited for Naked Heat or new episode previews or whatever, but really.

[/end minor bitch]

I got the sudden urge to rewatch some of my favorite S.P.D. moments, and realized it's so... odd for me to see it now. S.P.D. used to be my favorite thing that I could just watch over and over again and never get tired of it, and it made me feel such strong emotions, but after taking a break from it to watch Firefly/Castle and really get into those, I'm having trouble going back to it. S.P.D. is not -bad-, by any means, but it doesn't hold the same meaning it used to for me.

I think it's also in large part due to having played Bridge and Sky in edensphere for so long; it makes them seem totally dissonant vs. their canon selves even though they are the same people, just minus most of their memories and plus a year and 7 months of development in the context of the game. Sky is still serious and kinda closed-off and quiet, he has the rough equivalent of his job as a Ranger with the Watch, but at the same time he's also passionately in love with (and openly flirts with) Inara and is a bit more- hmm, open and sociable than he was in canon. Bridge has his morpher, but isn't much inclined toward a Watch-type job (granted, not in the least because he's on the commander's bad side); instead he's head Scavenger and finds and fixes things for a living.

I feel kinda sad that I just can't go back to S.P.D., considering it used to be so important to me. But it's not Firefly, and it's not Castle. My Bridge and Sky are no longer quite the same ones featured in the series. Whenever I hear music, I think of songs that remind me of Simon Tam and Rick Castle, not Bridge Carson and Sky Tate (except love songs that remind me of Sky/Inara). I'm more excited about Nathan Fillion and Sean Maher as actors than I am about Matt Austin and Chris Violette.

It's different. Not bad, just... different.

edensphere, stuff, spd

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