Answers to the lie game...

Jan 23, 2005 12:29

I guess nobody else is gonna guess :p so here are the answers.

1. I'm the only Democrat in my family; the rest are strong Republicans.
FALSE. My whole family has been Democrats for a while AFAIK, but we're more moderate than extreme gung-ho.
2. I have never broken a bone or had strep throat in my entire life.
TRUE. I just do NOT get severely sick at all- something I inherited from my daddy- and I've never broken a bone probably because I'm very cautious and not very physically active.
3. My father is 65 years old and fathered 6 kids, 3 with his first wife and 3 with my mum.
TRUE. My daddy's turning 66 this year.
4. I'm a Jodo-Shinshu Buddhist.
TRUE. This isn't something I exactly advertise to people, mostly cause I don't consider myself to be _entirely_ one religion. I do lean more towards Buddhist beliefs, but I haven't entirely discounted belief in God, either.
5. My favourite snack is Easy Mac.
TRUE. Renee can attest to this. xD Yay for carbs and sodium!
6. My favourite music artist is John Mayer.
FALSE. I lost pretty much all the love I had for John Mayer after the first (and only, AFAIK) episode of "John Mayer Has A TV Show". He's arrogant, cocky, and generally a jackass, and also admitted that gets credited for writing songs that he did not. (I know, I know, he's not the first artist to ever have done that, nor will he be the last, but damn, he went and admitted it to all his fans on TV...) Josh Groban is my new love.
7. I have had at least one online friend from every continent (barring Antarctica).
FALSE. I've known people from every continent except Antarctica, Africa, and South America.
8. I have at least one Harry Potter book in 7 different languages.
FALSE. I have at least one in 5 different languages, not 7- American, British English, German, Dutch, and Spanish.
9. I can't drive (literally, as in I've never earned my license).
TRUE. This is due in large part to the fact that I never found anybody willing (or able) to teach me outside of driving school. My parents are too paranoid, and all of my family members who are old enough to teach me live too far away.
10. I graduated from high school with a 3.6 GPA and still wasn't even in the top 100 of my class.
TRUE. This was due to the fact that weighted courses gave people extra GPA points for getting a C or better- so my class had _several_ people above a 4.0 GPA. I was around 150th out of a class of 350ish, even with my own nothing-to-sneeze-at GPA. Needless to say, I felt incredibly stupid. :p

games, meme

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