Lie-thing meme...

Jan 20, 2005 12:38

Take from ctakahara cos it sounded teh phun. :D

Make a list of 10 statements about yourself:
* 4 of the 10 statements must be lies.
* Post your list and have people guess which four are lies!

1. I'm the only Democrat in my family; the rest are strong Republicans.
2. I have never broken a bone or had strep throat in my entire life.
3. My father is 65 years old and fathered 6 kids, 3 with his first wife and 3 with my mum.
4. I'm a Jodo-Shinshu Buddhist.
5. My favourite snack is Easy Mac.
6. My favourite music artist is John Mayer.
7. I have had at least one online friend from every continent (barring Antarctica).
8. I have at least one Harry Potter book in 7 different languages.
9. I can't drive (literally, as in I've never earned my license).
10. I graduated from high school with a 3.6 GPA and still wasn't even in the top 100 of my class.

games, meme

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