"Gas Boycott", Take Two

May 25, 2007 20:53


Not buying or selling gas for one day, when there are thousands of other people buying and selling gas that same day, and when one still intends to buy or sell gas and not do without long term, =/= boycott and will do jack to lower gas prices. If it did, gas prices would have lowered the last dozen times people were encouraged to do this. Why is this concept so hard to grasp?

It rather reminds me of that day (a year ago, I think) when Nickelodeon decided to stop broadcasting for 3 hours, with the idea that it would encourage children to go outside and play. Well-intentioned enough, except every other station on TV was still broadcasting, they had other alternatives like the Internet and video games- and not only that, it was a one-time deal for three hours. Yup, it's really going to encourage kids to get out more when they have many alternatives and are only spurred into doing it once. The same principle is at work here. It's well-intentioned, but falls far short of making any impact.

wtf, rant

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