[Hetalia] Winter's Days and Nights Part 7, 8, 9 & 10 - Fandomwords100 Drabble Challenge

Dec 10, 2011 15:49

Written for the 31 Day December Challenge at fandomwords100


31 Day December Challenge
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: US/UK


Title: Winter's Days and Nights Part 7
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash. Stories are not chronological.
Prompt: Day 7

“America, come out from under those blankets!” England said, tugging at the cloth currently keeping his lover hidden from him.

“Dude, not cool! You tricked me! It’s cold here!” America pouted, pulling tighter.

England crossed his arms, “Yes, it’s snowy as it should be at Christmas, I don’t understand your winter beach holidays! We did that already!” He managed to get a space working his way underneath the blanket so he could see the other.

“Will you keep me warm then?” America asked, pulling him under the blankets and keeping him close.

“Idiot, that was my plan the whole time.”


Title: Winter's Days and Nights Part 8
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash. Stories are not chronological.
Prompt: Day 8

England’s hands searched the sheets for the warmth that had lain by his side the entire night before. Upon not finding anything he blinked awake, yawning slightly and stretching. The smell of food wafted through the bedroom door, signifying that his lover must be awake. He wandered down the stairs, finding the American in the kitchen and coming over wrapping his arms around him. He pressed his cheek into his warm shoulders.

“I made breakfast.”

“I can smell it. It smells good.” he said as he kissed the back of his neck. He could only smile at the silly design.


Title: Winter's Days and Nights Part 9
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash. Stories are not chronological.
Prompt: Day 9

He had scolded him at first for wanting lights in every room in the house, but now he felt that America had a point. Laying there in bed with his lover’s head on his stomach, where he had fallen asleep, he could watch the lights twinkle across their skin. America’s face was relaxed in sleep, his warmth breath fanning out on his skin has he breathed out. He ran his fingers through his hair, playing a little with Nantucket, as he brushed the golden strands, loving how soft they were.

“I love you.” he whispered, loving that he was there.


Title: Winter's Days and Nights Part 10
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash. Stories are not chronological.
Prompt: Day 10

“Alright, Artie, I’m going to show you the coolest thing that I found at the store! If you’re going to force me to be in the snow for the rest of the holiday, I’m gonna have fun.” America announced, bundled up in so many layers, England was sure it would be like peeling an onion if he needed to take them off. He followed the enthusiastic American out into the snow, to be promptly nailed in the face with a snowball. England reached down, making a snowball and throwing it.

“Seems the old fashioned way works just fine too, git!”

pairing: america/england, character: england, character: america, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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