[Hetalia] Two USxUK Drabbles

Sep 05, 2011 20:12

All posted to fandomwords100


Title: "Before the World"
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: leaves, colors, windy, apple cider
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 23. Autumn, 1. Before @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary/Other Info: England enjoys an autumn morning.

England watched as the red and gold leaves began to drift, their colors staining the browning grass of the lawn. He closed the wind as the cool, windy day crept inside, causing him to grip his warm mug of apple cider tighter to ward off the cold. He smiled when the even warmer arms of his lover wrapped around his waist. He leaned into him, savoring the moment. He wanted to keep this memory forever, safe in America’s arms. He knew it was just a step out of time, a moment before everything else would come rushing at them again.


Title: "Silly Decorations"
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: Halloween, leaves
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 23. Autumn, 26. Boxes @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary/Other Info: America is getting ready for fall.

“America, you can’t be serious.” England stared at the other as he dug through boxes filled with piles of Halloween paraphernalia. The leaves were still green on the trees and America was already decorating a month ahead of schedule. “I thought you didn’t like ghosts.” England still had bruises on his fingers from last night’s horror movie.

“C’mon Halloween is so much fun...ah!” America jumped back from a plastic ghoul that had sprung out of the box when he moved something. England shook his head and went to comfort his boyfriend after he scared himself with a silly decoration.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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