
Oct 06, 2010 18:45

While reading Updike this morning on the bus (Pigeon Feathers, one of the short story collections) it occurred me that instead of writing an autobiographical story, I could write a fake autobiographical story. Like Updike writes. He has several short stories in this collection that are either based off his life as a young boy or as a young husband/father.

I've thought about doing NaNoWriMo but I don't know what I could write about that was complete fiction. Then I realized I could take the time to write a catharsis about my first relationship. But that feels like cheating. While not the easiest thing to write, I wouldn't have to do much thinking, just remembering. One of my friends (Shane) told me that the important thing is just to write, so its still a consideration. And it'd be great to get all that stuff out of my head.

Now after this morning I realize I could do the fake autobiography. I could also change some names, make some stuff up, but write something based off my experiences in college. Could be good. Maybe a male, shy I Am Charlotte Simmons (which I havent read, thank $diety).


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