Title: Silver and Gold Rating: PG-13 Paiting: Kyōraku/Ukitake Warnings: Fluff (heh!) Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Bleach - however, I do own many of the wrongs :D Word Count: 2,801 Summary: Kyōraku-taicho has a plan to help his friend recover from his latest illness, but things don’t end up quite as planned
Title: The Wheel of Time Characters: Kyōraku /Ukitake Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Bleach - however, I do own many of the wrongs :D Word Count: 400 (4 x 100) Summary: Four drabbles based on the seasons
Title: Misdemeanors Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Bleach. However, I do own many of the wrongs :D Word Count: 624 Summary: Getting out of meetings is never this fun! A/N: Inspired by the amazing picture by nyarlathotep23 which can be found here