I threw a few more userpics on the pile - nothing fancy, all photo-based. (Four of my puppy. Heh. He's very photogenic.) That brings me up to a whopping 32. Hrm. I shall have to get busy. Of course, there will never be a need for me to use most of these. But fill 'em if ya got 'em!
No reason for this post except to say that I am actually sitting down for five minutes while the challah bakes. And to show off my holiday spirit with a new icon.
New gaming related icon, the first slightly racy icon I've had. Yes, I really do warm my dice up like that. Don't look at me that way! It works, dangit!
Edit: Egads, I'm pale. It almost looks as though the everything but the dice and the words is in B&W. Oy.