Oct 25, 2003 19:29
So, after discovering that my Playstation 2 does not, in fact, play region 2 DVDs, I switched the region on my computer so I could watch my $60 movie. (::winces at the price tag once again::) I will worry about a permanent fix later, probably after we return to the states.
I had purchased the score months ago. It made for very nice gaming soundtrack because there was not a happy bar of music on it. Every single track sounded like bad news. This, I discovered, was because there were no happy scenes in the movie. In American action films, there is almost always the Love Story with several tender moments dedicated to it in between fights. Makai Tensho does not bother with that. Well, maybe it does a bit, but it doesn't focus on it much. I won't know more about the actual story until I can understand more of the dialog. As far as I can tell, it is a tale of revenge. Lots of pretty fight scenes, impressive moves, exploding people, undead, dark magic, and even a gratuitous lesbian moment. Oh, and a booby scene. (The actress was very cold. We could tell.)
I was hoping for English subtitles, but that doesn't appear to be an option. Not even Japanese captioning that I can find. So I got to listen to my husband MST3K it instead - which was, admittedly, loads of funny.
Any one care to see some screenshots? Icons? Hee!
Edit: And I did indeed dream of maho tsukai...