Dec 03, 2005 14:54
Polite dim trolls the boxed hall,
gold parquet, paper walls,
brass ceiling lights, the wedding warehouse
puts on his sweater.
My love’s tux rides his limbs.
Its chafe grabs his shoulder
like discomfort were
clasp, knot, and pin.
Left a second alone, he’s watching
sweat spread to the tablefabric
from a squat glass. He rolls wet cubes like giblets
with ginger and gin,
gentle and stitched in the crepe.
His forever pledge stunned me today;
now, his twitch and distraction show
he’s still reeling too,
hours after the first dance-
holding and having should always be
an invented and reinventing dance.
Our stuff’s crated, forks, spoons, books,
to be shipped where wind streams
with no end over the hardwood,
slipping over the couch
free and leaking.
cartography did not constrain the architect,
gravity, Scrabble, gym floor lines
the dance's steps which thieve nothing.