Rocky Raccoon 100 training week 11.

Nov 19, 2017 18:42

This week didn't exactly go as I planned. My master plan was for this to be a high mileage week, getting in my longest run yet, and then doing a run the next day. One of those things happened, at least!

I had hoped to do 7-4-31-10. Things went well through the 7. That was on Tuesday, and actually was a really comfortable run. Not fast, but everything just felt good. Then around lunchtime, I started to feel really bleh. Kinda feverish. Off. Not good. I made it through the day at work, but just kept feeling ever more terrible.

I ended up staying home sick on Wednesday, and pretty much slept the entire day. Eventually the feverish feeling faded, but then the congestion, sneezing, and headaches kicked in. I went back to work on Thursday, but didn't feel at all well enough to do my planned taper 4 miles that morning.

After taking 2 days off, I started to feel better Thursday night, and to keep myself from going completely stir crazy, I hopped on my trainer to at least get some blood moving and work out some of my congestion. On Friday morning, I felt well enough to go out and run a mile down the road and then back, and I felt better for having run, as far as congestion went. I figured that was a good sign that I'd be okay to do Wild Hare the next morning.

And sure enough, I was able to run the Wild Hare 50k and felt good about my race.

When I originally told Coach Russ I wanted to run the day after Wild Hare, he said I didn't have to, but I could if I felt like it. I had this ambitious plan to do 6-10 miles. Matt didn't think it was a good idea for me to run on Sunday, given how tough Wild Hare is on the body. We compromised, and I told him that I would do a spin, see how my legs felt, and then go do a short run if they felt okay. And my legs really did feel okay! I wasn't all that sore after the race, or on Saturday night. I felt a little stiffer Sunday morning, but I hoped the spin would help work some of that out.

Jumped on my bike for an hour, and just kept it really, really easy. My left foot hated putting on my bike shoe, because I'd ended up with a blister under my left middle toe, but my legs felt fine during the spin.

After an hour, I got off the bike, put on my running shoes, walked out the door, started my watch, and started running. After 30 seconds, I stopped my watch, turned around, and walked back home. My right quad was incredibly sore and stiff, and it was bad enough that even on the UPhill leading away from my house, I was lurching badly. Evidently the quads aren't really all that involved in an easy spin, so I hadn't known how sore it was.

So no Sunday run. Part of me was bummed that I was missing an opportunity to get a high mileage week in, and missing out on a back to back run. But I was proud of myself for doing what my head knew was right, rather than what my heart really wanted to do.

Overall, even though I didn't get the mileage in I wanted, I had a solid 50k run that made me feel better about my training. Obviously Wild Hare took more of a toll on my body than I would have preferred, but I'm going to be smart about making sure I recover from it before jumping back in to my schedule.


wildhare, trailrunning, 100miler, rocky100, warda, trailrun, training, 50k, race, trainingtotals, taper, matt, trailrace, quad, sore, running

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