Splash'n'Dash April 2013 race report.

Apr 16, 2013 05:59

Well, these have started back up again. Grumble.

The water was purported to be around 64. Then someone said it was more like 68. I had no idea, but I knew I wasn't going to bother with a wetsuit or a speedsuit for S&D, even though many people were. I did, however, wait until the last minute to get in the water, and opted to spend my pre-event time, not doing a few warmup run laps, like I should have, but standing there staring at the water resentfully, and chatting/complaining.

As it got to be time, I headed down to the water, and it wasn't bad when I waded in. It got a little chillier as I got deeper, but I kept myself warm treading water 3 rows back from the front, and then it was time to go. Once I started swimming, the water actually felt great, and I was glad to be suitless.

The swim was fine. My first open water swim since Kerrville last year, but no problems. A few times I found that I had kinda checked out and my effort had fallen off, but then I'd just pick it back up. Overall, an uninspired and uninspiring swim, but no complaints. And as a bonus, Matt was out there water running to baby his turned ankle, and I actually heard him cheer for me as I swam by!

As I got out of the water, I looked at my watch and saw 13:50something. Decent, not great, for my first open water swim of the season.

Walked slowly and gingerly up to my stuff (I should have put it further down the hill), took forever to get into my shoes, then ran up the hill to start my run.

Run was also pretty uneventful. I started out nice and easy to get warmed up a bit. But then the girl I'd followed out of the swim was kind of an awkward speed compared to me, and I didn't want to sit there just on her heels the whole time, so I sped up a bit to pass her, and tried to maintain that pace so she wouldn't immediately have the same awkward situation.

At the start/finish line, Kristen was there with her camera, which meant I had to attempt to smile each time I came through. The pictures show mixed results (and show those accursed 5lbs I can't seem to lose, since this is the first time I've worn my (uncovered) tri costume this year (I wore it with a long-sleeved shirt over at ERDu)). As I rounded the first bend on my 2nd loop, I heard cheering for me.. from the water. Matt again! Ha.

On my 3rd loop, I wanted to make it my fastest. I dedicated that 3rd loop to Boston.. the folks that died, the folks that were injured.. I ran for those who couldn't, and so it was somewhat emotional, but inspiring. It helped that people cheered for me from the patio of Roaring Fork! (I saw Lynn and maybe heard Julia?)

As I approached the bridge the final time, I heard someone just behind me. I figured it was a female who was pacing off me and then going to outkick me at the end, but I wasn't going to look, because then I'd probably faceplant. I almost called out, "Are you male or female?!", but just then they passed me, and it was Shawn B. I figured I'd try to hang behind him to the finish line, but man, he took off, and I couldn't stay near him. So I just tried to stay as close as I could and use his energy, and let that pull me to the finish line.

I had kinda hoped to come in NEAR 30, if not below, but I think I overestimated my current fitness. I feel like I've been swimming, but 1-2 times a week isn't going to put me in Ironman shape like I was last year, so yeah, a 12:50something is slower than my times last year.

My run, which I HAVE been doing, was 5:35, 5:25, 5:11, which is pretty typical for me at S&D.

The good news is, since the first S&D of the year is pretty lightly attended, I was 7th woman!

Now to finish off my trail running season, then transition (ha) back into real tri training again. And hopefully shed those 5 pounds someday.

racereport, quarrylake, snd, pureaustin, matt

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