Splash'n'Dash April 2012 race report.

Apr 17, 2012 18:58

Okay, so, a little belated, but my completionist nature demands I write SOMEthing up, and I'm backdating it to the actual date.

It was a decent race. Wetsuit legal, but I felt like it would take me more time to get out of my wetsuit than it would make my swim faster, so I didn't bother.

I lined up second row back, which definitely isn't how fast I swim, but since it was the first S&D of the season, a lot of people didn't want to be up at the front. Laurie lined up behind me, to draft off of me. A healthy Laurie who's been swimming is WAY faster than me (and she was wearing a wetsuit), so I wasn't sure if I was going to be fast enough for her to want to stay behind me.

When they said go, I took off, and quickly lost the fast people in front. I had no luck jumping on anyone's feet, and a girl kept pushing me further off course until I finally slowed down enough to get around her.

I just swam the whole time telling myself, "Laurie's right behind you, keep going fast," but I found out afterward that she was only on my feet until the first dock, then she slowed down. Glad I didn't know that at the time!

Felt decent about my swim, and transitioned fast, going sockless as I only ever do at things with runs that short.

Ran out and heard Matt, who had just races ROTT, so wasn't racing S&D, cheering for me.

Settled in to the run. It was warm, but it was also only in the 80s, and I knew it wasn't ever going to be this cool for a S&D again, so I tried to enjoy it.

I just kept setting my sights on people ahead of me and trying to catch them, and I did so with a number of people, men and women. Each time I'd run past the start line, Matt would cheer for me, and I'd look over to be adored by my puppies, who had also come out to spectate, and I'd see that they were ignoring me completely, and Enzo's face was in Hilda's mouth. Again. Puppies need to work on their spectation skills.

On the third loop, I tried to pick it up some, skipped the water at the water stop, and pushed hard on the straightaway.

Overall I felt decent about my effort, given that my body was still tired from racing ROTT and from having swam earlier in the day.

Alas, not my fastest S&D, and didn't make it either sub-30 or in the top 10. But close, with

racereport, quarrylake, snd, puppies

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