Happy newWeek (tomorrow).

Jul 27, 2007 17:23

This wasn't a good week, for no real reason I can put my finger on. I felt physically unwell all week, and also emotionally unwell. I think I put off my post-event blues until this week, and then it came crashing down on me. As a result, I ended up doing exactly one workout since last Sunday. It was a great workout.. a faster-than-intended run in the pouring rain with Robyn, but I just couldn't pull it together enough to do any other workouts (and the other one I seriously intended to do was rained out).

I'm currently feeling like I really should go put my bike on the trainer and spin for an hour. But instead I'm going to just let myself have one more day. Tomorrow I run, Sunday I ride and run. Next week I'll actually begin looking at my schedule again. I think, as much as I want to say "I'm just doing whatever I want, no schedule".. it's too easy to just kinda wing it so much that you end up doing nothing. But I'll still let myself veto any workouts that don't sound appealing. At least it'll give me a starting point to work from.


Looking back now at the Ironman, I find the most notable thing I'm proud of myself for it.. I seriously rode 112 miles in tri shorts?!
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