May 09, 2014 20:59
This is mainly for my records, probably not of much interest to others
10 mins rowing machine
lat pulldowns, 3 stack and added single small weight, 2 sets, 15 reps
chest press - went up to 3 stack, 2 sets, but only managed eight reps on second set, then changed down to 2 stack to complete the set
seated rows - weight 20, 2 sets of 15 reps
lying leg press - weight 52, 2 sets of 15 rep
upright rows - 2sets of 15 reps, 2x 3k dumb bells
stiff legged dead lifts - 2sets of 15 reps, 2x 3 k dumb bells
seated squats holding medicine ball - 2sets of 15 reps
step ups holding 2 x 4k dumb bells -20 each leg
2sets of 10 hip bridges
2 sets of 10 crunches
2sets of 15 clams each leg
2sets of 10 leg raises
1set of 10 super man
tomorrow and Sunday 5k walk (bridge to bridge)
PT on Saturday afternoon