Title: King
Category: Super Junior
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: G/PG-13
Characters: None at the moment.
Pairings: None at the moment.
Summary: In a world where every five hundred years, whoever finds the Dove will become King and reign the whole world for the next five centuries.
The King cried.
When he woke up to see the spot next to him empty, save for the few scattered feathers lying on the bed, it was the first time in five hundred years since the King cried. Gently with trembling hands, he gathered up the feathers into his palms and held it against his cheeks. The softness reminded him of the dove he always kept by his side everyday for the last five hundred years but now, he would never hear his dove sing, to have his dove in his arms, and to be loved by his dove again.
While the King was lost in thoughts, throughout the world where one single tower are located in each villages, towns, and cities rang crystal clear notes from a big silver bell floating at the tip of each tower. It will ring for five days straight, every dawn and dusk. The bell signifies the end of the five hundred year reign of the heartbroken King and now the once in every five hundred years; the selection for the new King has begun. For the next five years anyone and everyone who wanted to be the King, will now set out on a journey to find the dove.
Please enjoy.