I've been feeling nostalgic lately about our LOTR boys (and girls) and I've been seeing similar expressions of nostalgia on my flist...something in the air, I guess!
So, I thought I'd do a little homage to the cast that brought me to LJ in the first place, and reminisce a bit with you all. *SMOOSHY GROUP HUG!!!!*
***Lots of these are clickable and HUGE! (It may take a few clicks to get to the big pics :) Enjoy!
So pretty and sexy and close together! *guh*
My fave pic of these two...soooo smooshy!
Awesome shot of Sir Ian...
Love that Orli laugh, and it always looks so startling coming from Legolas...hee!
Is this not the cutest pic ever?
Orli and Pete...that silvery outfit is so lovely on Leggy...*swoon*
Viggo and Lij luff...
Billy and Orli luff, and excuse me while I swoon over that bit of Orli's tanned chest and white tee peeking out...*guh*
The boys look so dapper and handsome here, and I love that Liv looks gorgeous and about 8 feet tall...hee!
The Men teasing the Elfling...naughty Men! *G*
Sean and Sean...so serious!
Pretty Daisy and Billleehhhhhh!!
Studs on parade...*basks in supreme aura of testosterone*
One of the loviest, sweetest pics ever, and the hand in the hair just really tops it off...*wibble*
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Hobbit sandwich? *snerk*
Orli is a nutter, but how much do I love the look Viggo's giving Liv? *swallows tongue*
Viggo is soooo beautiful and so Aragorn in this pic...it's almost like he was blue-screened into this, isn't it?
Gotta have the loveable dorks, and Orli's ridiculous mohawk...
Viggo Dom squishies! *hugs them madly*
More boy-humping...whee!
And still more!
More Hobbit/Elf interspecies luff...*happy sigh*
xxooo Hope you liked!