Aug 19, 2004 23:18
edit. more was added
Saw you, in a dream last night
Telling you everything would be alright
The sorrow in your eyes, caught me by suprise
The feeling of regretfullness filled your pretty eyes
But a dream is only that, the extra key under the mat
The key cannot be found, its the present not the past
I think it was a sign, that these feelings have surpassed
It's surprising how the future can be so very vast
But like time the past goes by incredibly fast
As does my love for you now that you are gone
Reading about your life and how you have moved on
Already felt the affects of feelings being withdrawn
Kinda feels like you've felt this way all along
Telling me what I like to hear in 1.. 2 many ways
Memories of the "good ol' days", in melodiac phrase
prolly to be continued again.. tho tell me what u think