(no subject)

Aug 16, 2004 20:58

redkiwi223: heres a pome about paxon is not so relaxin its sorta lackin and sorta sagiin its sorta grooss and sorta loserish all because s to the t anton is beter then paxon
redkiwi223: lol
redkiwi223: i thinki shold rap
ThEbLuEteRReN: oh shit
ThEbLuEteRReN: how about this..
redkiwi223: hah
ThEbLuEteRReN: im bout to freestyle
ThEbLuEteRReN: so watch out
ThEbLuEteRReN: all in my head
ThEbLuEteRReN: right now
redkiwi223: alright
redkiwi223: GO
ThEbLuEteRReN: Paxon be relaxin with all the hot girls passin with the latest fashion,wearin them skirts like ever ree day, nothin more i can say, these kids are too coo fer any schoo, specially that stanton, our girls make head's slantin, makin ur own kind even chantin, our name, ur gossip's so lame, your guys have no game, so bad it'd put Furtick to shame, But its ok'. just more for may, ladies coming at me like its a buffet. Sorry girls im only lookin for one layday.
ThEbLuEteRReN: oh shoo
ThEbLuEteRReN: yeah its not very good
ThEbLuEteRReN: but it beats urs badly
redkiwi223: hahahaha

oh mizz kuh shizz.. can i hear a... P to the axon?

**if no one says it... then... u can just picture me going balistic going.. p to the axon.. again and again till i get tired and eventually fall asleep on the couch...**
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