fleas and mallows

Aug 18, 2008 23:03

last nite i noticed something like a little piece of marshmallow in the catsbelly fur and took it out and sniffed it a bit but didnt chance eating it cause im not that hard up for marshmallows here. i left it on thedesk top and then... well then the fecking thing starts to unfurl in its wormy unfurling way. Was a nasty thing to behold i tell ya. i burned it and made it go pop for its trouble.
then early this morning i was woken up by an itch on my forehead and scratched at it acouple of times before getting fly to it and holding a mirror up to seethe area. sure enuff theres a fecking cat flea scurrying about on my forehead, no doubt trying to find a better spot to suck my blood out into its belly. i caught the wee bugger and made it go crack under the butt of my little bedside torch. i dont mind tho cause i dont think fleas would find much pleasure in me, im too dirty for them to take any real satisfaction in bloodsucking me.

*scratches ear*
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