It has come to my attention because um, I'm dying, that I have...faaaaar too many characters. I love them all, but some of them must go. (I really do mean it; I enjoy playing all of them, I've just got to the point where I am so obsessively damn detailed about everything that I literally cannot tag more than one or two threads at a time because I
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- nick or i would die
- shauna
- aiden
- marion
- stefan
- caleb should go without saying lulz
- do you realize i love everything you do ever
- i mean really
- it's kind of hard to choose here
- also of the names i listed just there
- only one (nick) was accepted by spell-check
- therefore, i conclude
- spell-check sucks.
- good night.
I was like "I can' I even play that many...oh THANK GOODNESS."
Anyway I pick dorky names, haha. They all have a certain sound to them. That I like. Anyway. ilu also in the deepest places of my...places.
i enjoy your names. and your love. which i return.
*dances away into the sunset* *sans ricky martin*
I am sure there is a defining characteristic about all of them! they're probably all of similar origins or something. the names i choose. not my love. that is a many tentacled thing, hi.
And sans PANTS.
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