Because I have to do everything Liz does

Jan 27, 2008 02:31

It has come to my attention because um, I'm dying, that I have...faaaaar too many characters. I love them all, but some of them must go. (I really do mean it; I enjoy playing all of them, I've just got to the point where I am so obsessively damn detailed about everything that I literally cannot tag more than one or two threads at a time because I just get so exclusively in one um...type of brain. something. BEAR WITH ME, I'm very tired.)

So please, if you would respond with folks you would very much rather I don't gently retire, I would appreciate it a lot.

PS I should clarify, this isn't like 'who do you like best,' it's 'which characters will mulch characters of yours if they go to the great land of where i don't them.'

My Dudes

Nick - The blondest, most bluest peacefullest Celestial Chorister ever. Pain Empathy! Urban Activism! Soul Twin (shut up, it's an awesome concept in WoD) to a pregnant Verbena witch!  Everyone has fun there.  ( 
getmecloserto )

Caleb - Not Verbena yet, but he will be.  Oh.  He will be. Medium-time drug dealing!  Allergies!  Animal lover!  Good with plants! Bird hair!  ....what.  Hi.  PS FBI: I do not condone drug usage okay.  ( 
warmgreenglow )

Shauna - Hotastic Virtual Adept, great tits, something something spaceship something, lives to TORMENT HARRY >:E.  Good with computers!  Also terrifying! ( 
bilocating )

Kevin - NOT A WOD CHARACTER.  MIRACULOUS.  Curly haired!  Death-touch!  Horrible decision making skills!  (
witherthougoest )

Stefan - Becoat'd!  :|-face'd!  Apostrophes!  AND TWIIIIIIIIIIIINS -- I mean.  He has one.  PS EXPLOSIONS ALSO. (
napalmsmile )

Marion - Death!  Snark!  Crushing up Ritalin and snorting it!  (I DON'T CONDONE THAT EITHER) Demon secretary!  Best chest ever!  (
withgunandsalt )

Eddie - Bonegnawer Kinfolk!  Blue-haired!  Older brother of a sister who routinely bites people!  Porn store clerk!  (
bluelikesmoke )

Aiden - Dead girlfriend! :(  History teacher!  .... uh ... :)? AMAZING hair :D Supernatural Hunter!  But just of bad things!  Not that that's morally opaque or anything!  (
overseaundersky )

If you don't see someone on there and you want me to play them, you can ask and I probably will, but be aware it's less likely if I'm already threading with the more active characters.  Okay?  Okay thank you, I love you guys a lot.

keyword-45, keyword-33, keyword-46

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