ganked from tinhuviel, and pass it on

May 17, 2009 15:49

First thing you wash in the shower?
My hair. Shampoo, then condition, leave in, wash rest of body, and rinse out... because my hair tangles.

What color is your favorite hoodie?
Blaxk. Actually all of them are black save a Wonderwoman hoodie I have.

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah, probably.

Do you plan outfits?
Only if I have to go to a doctor's appt. Then, it's just easier for me.

How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Achy, annoyed, pissy, cold, and upset.

What’s the closest thing to you that's red?
The Doors, LA Woman CD cover.

Did you meet anyone new today?
Sure. It's a Sunday. I haven't showered but I've met hundreds of new people.

What are you craving right now?
Mr. J

Do you floss?
Not much. And I have yellow teeth too. Yummy!

What comes to mind when I say cabbage?

Are you emotional?
Hmm... check out the past few questions!

Have you ever counted to 1,000?
Probably sometime in my childhoosd, but now, no.

Do you bite or lick your ice cream?

Do you like your hair?
Not at the moment. I need to get in the shower and spike it after. But the haircut? I adore it!

Do you like yourself?
Yes and no. I don't feel I have to explain myself.

Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Only if he pays, and he needs to let me kick him in the head after I teach him how to REALLY pronounce words!

What are you listening to right now?
"St. Jimmy" by Green Day

Are your parents strict?
Kind of.... well my father is.

Would you go sky diving?
I really, REALLY want to! BADLY!

Do you like cottage cheese?
Yum! And with fruit, it's yummy-licious!

Have you ever met a celebrity?

Do you rent movies often?
Hardly ever. But we DO have Netflix!

Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
My "glam" clothes & some makeup. Nailpolish.

How many countries have you visited?
Other than my own? I've been to Mexico & Canada.

Have you made a prank phone call?

Ever been on a train?
Yep, I love train travelling!

Brown or white eggs?
Both, but not simultaneously.

Do you have a cell-phone?

Do you use chap stick?
I use Burt's Bees alot, religiously.

Do you own a gun?
No, but I kinda wish I did.

Can you use chop sticks?
Not often.

Who are you going to be with tonight?
The Joker. He took me shopping last night.

Are you too forgiving?
Yes, but it depends on who it is.

Ever been in love?

What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Working at Home Depot...

Ever have cream puffs?

Last time you cried?
THIS morning... had a bad dream.

What was the last question you asked?
"Can you try getting it at RITE-AID?"

Favorite time of the year?
Springtime because it's not overly hot or cold.

Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, a dozen. Most are music related.

Are you sarcastic?
What do you think?

Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
Yeah. Ick.

Ever walked into a wall?

Favorite color?
purple & green.

Have you ever slapped someone?
Yes. Lots of times.

Is your hair curly?
Sometimes it goes curly once I'm out of the shower.

What was the last CD you bought?
Lower Class Brats

Do looks matter?
They aren't the most important thing.

Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Yeah, but it's not like I wouldn't be angry.

Is your phone bill sky high?

Do you like your life right now?

Do you sleep with the TV on?
Almost always.

Can you handle the truth?
Sometimes no.

Do you have good vision?
20/20 baby!

Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
What does misanthropy mean?

How often do you talk on the phone?
Not often.

Last person you held hands with?
Held hands w/ Paulie, held paws w/ my pug, Sugar

What are you wearing?
pink Paul Frank pj pants, Bettie Page tshirt from Hot Topic, and hospital socks. Oh so sexy!

Where was your default picture taken at?
I'm guessing some promo shot from TDK?

Can you hula hoop?
I used to but I can't anymore.

Do you have a job?
Nope. I'm in too much pain and I'm (probably) disabled.

What was the most recent thing you bought?
Cupcakes @ the grocery store.

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yep. I've had to before.


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