*head pops out of hole*

Nov 10, 2012 13:30

Hoho... it's been so long since I last updated, heh :) It was a very hectic 3 weeks for me, nights of maximum 6 hours sleep, and lots of information crammed into my head for my mock exams, full day revision classes, and along with the stress that comes with finishing my thesis (which I am glad to announce is finally complete! After all that rants you might had to put up with on my twitter XD)!

As such, I finally managed to go out yesterday, for the whole day (although I promised myself to go out right after my mock exam was over, I had to wait for another week). It was tiring and fun going back and forth between 3 different malls, and then ending up trying to push my way into the bus at the peak hour on a rainy day, and then getting stuck in a traffic jam for an hour, which is three times the usual travel time.

But! I was so happy that I found this in Tokyo Street in Pavilion :D I've been looking all over for months until I even forgot that I was supposed to buy it, lol!

It tastes so good :D The outer part is a piece of wafer, and then inside is ice-cream covered with chocolate (^o^)/ Though it is quite expensive for only two sticks...

I also found this at Isetan!

My favourite okonomiyaki! The usual one at Isetan doesn't have noodles in it, but because there was a special fair, I could taste this variant of okonomiyaki for the first time \(^o^)/It reminds me of the kind that Arashi makes on their variety programmes - flour, egg, meat and noodles :) *is planning to splurge a lot on food when my chance comes to finally visit Japan*

I also bought a power bank for my phone :) Time to say goodbye to dead batteries and time to say hello to endless spamming *evil cackle*

Now it's back to studying for my next exam (T-T)

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

rants, random, i'm broke

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