
Dec 15, 2011 00:14

Seems like I have to write fics when I feel stressed out. I didn't plan this out so I don't know whether it turned out good. But either way, here it is!

Title: Sleep
Pairing: JunxMao
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Author: showjuro
Disclaimer: I don't own any one of the characters, only the story ^^

Jun entered the room with a grumpy face, and Mao knew not to disturb him. When it was one of his bad days, it was best that he be left alone to cool down. She could tell by the tense look on his face that it was one of those days.  She could also tell that he was trying not to look at her. He wanted to be alone.

But Mao couldn’t leave him alone today.

More than anything, she could tell that this was the worst of his bad days. It must be the stress building up from his butai rehearsals and preparations to the butai itself, the recordings and photoshoots in between, and finally to the drama he had started shooting a few days ago. She was quite unhappy that he wasn’t given enough rest for all the sleepless nights he had put in to make every stage play perfect to his standards. And this was the result of it. What Jun needed was rest, a few days of pure rest from his work. But knowing Jun, even on his days off, he’d be thinking of what he has to do for his next piece of work. He wouldn’t allow his mind some rest.


No answer.

Mao walked towards him. Jun…

Still no answer.

Jun who had his head buried in his script book was startled when Mao snatched it away from him.

Give it back to me. He growled. No matter what, he had to memorize the scene by tonight (although it’s already past midnight) and he was insistent on producing no NGs for the shooting the next day.

Mao tossed it to the other corner of the room.

What do you think- Jun was cut off by Mao grabbing his shirt as he got up, and subsequently he was pushed to the bed.

You need a good night’s rest! Are you going to stay up til 4 a.m until you finish filming all 10 episodes of your drama?

Jun could only stare at Mao. All this while, she had been understanding and had let him do anything work-related without making any comments. She knew that he had to do it, he had thought.

All those sleepless nights for your butai and now this! Who do you think you- Jun pulled her onto the bed with him and prevented her from continuing by sealing her mouth with a kiss. He deepened the kiss, forcefully, despite Mao trying to push him away so that she could continue to knock some sense into him. He pressed his fingers into her back, holding her so tightly that she couldn’t move. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and ravaged it aggressively, ignoring all of her struggles. Those hands pounding on his chest finally gave up, and feeling her body relax, Jun too, softened his kiss and loosened his grip. After a moment of sweet kissing, he let her go.

Mao held on to him and looked into the intense eyes she had once fallen for. He stroked her cheeks softly.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you worried. I do feel tired. I really want to take a week off and sleep for the whole day, but I can’t. I need to prepare my lines. I know you understand that.

But, Jun…

I know. Mao-chan, tonight, can we… can you be my pillow tonight?

Mao stared wide-eyed at the man holding her softly. She thought that he was going to say sorry but he had to memorize his lines tonight. She thought…

Mao nodded and Jun pulled her to sleep next to him, cuddling her like a princess.

I miss sleeping with you like this… Jun murmured as he drifted into a deep sleep. Mao could only smile and embrace the warm body around her.

Comments would be loved! 

jun, arashi, fic:junxmao

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