Dear snow, what future will you paint for me?

Dec 25, 2010 01:11




“How long can we stay like this?”

“Look at the snow...”

Mao frowned and looked at Jun. She was asking him such a serious question and he was completely ignoring her, intrigued by the snow that was falling as if it was his first time seeing snow. She stopped in her tracks, determined to make Jun notice her.

Jun knew that his girlfriend was worried that they might not be able to spend the next Christmas like this. He understood. The future is hard to predict and something may make them separate, that was what ran through Mao’s mind of late. Nevertheless, he pulled her hand to make her follow his pace.

Mao felt he strong grip of Jun’s hands grasping her fingers, and pulling her along. She suddenly felt a wave of strength fill her body, as if there was assurance that no matter what happened, no matter how bad it would be, Jun would be with her, he would be there to help her make it through. She felt her legs relax and walk naturally, without the usual tension that filled her soul. She was always worried that she would lose Jun one day. She knew she was thinking too much, but she couldn’t help it.

A strong gush of wind suddenly hit her and she was pelted by snow. Mao almost fell to what she thought was the cold ground but two warm arms cushioned her fall. When she was knocked back to earth, she found a pair of dark brown eyes looking into hers, casting a spell on her. She was unable to move, being hypnotized like that. She could only stare back.

She could read the message that those eyes tried to convey.

They told her that no matter what came between them, or no matter what would happen in her life, this one person will be there for her. They told her that no matter how bad she fell, there would be this someone to cushion her fall and help her get back up. They told her that all her worries were unnecessary. They told her that she could entrust her life to this one person who will never leave her side and will do everything he can just for her.

As Jun helped her to stand back up, she started to believe in the love she had for Jun.

The snow was making her freeze, but holding on to Jun made her forget the coldness. Having Jun’s warmth engulf her body, she wasn’t afraid of anything. Mao’s cold breath immediately turned into it’s usual temperature when it touched Jun’s neck. In this embrace, she could see her high hopes for the future materialize.

Holding Mao tighter in his arms, Jun smiled as he heard her sneeze. In the coldness and loneliness of the winter, he was confident that they could walk towards the very end as long as they had each other.


LMAO at the title. XD

Comments are loved! Going to bed now so won't be replying stalkers/spammers til tomorrow morning! Merry Christmas again!

jun, mao, arashi, fic:junxmao

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