Just read something that horrifies me:
Albert Speer, who was tried at Nuremberg for his senior role in the Nazi administration, including using forced labour in his armaments factories,
got 20 years in Spandau prison.
Bradley Manning, who refused to cover up the illegal abuse and torture of civilians,
just got 35 years and a dishonourable discharge from the army.
How is this possible?
It's insane.
Along with the
abuse of section 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 to detain journalist Glenn Greenwald's partner David Miranda in order to demonstrate that the US and UK governments are peeved at Greenwald's breaking of Edward Snowden's info on the NSA and GCHQ surveillance scandal, and the systematic stripping away of Britain's safety net for the poor and vulnerable, I'm feeling that the abyss may be looking back at us.