Post: The Doctor arrives in Paixao and promptly confuses the hell out of everybody.
Log: The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors meet! And a million fangirls exploded.
Thread: Eleven speaks to Jenny; in his excitement, he neglects to remember that she doesn't know this him.
Log: Eleven hears Flonne crying and promptly rushes to help. He and Almaz almost get blown up. :|
Log: Odette appears in Paixao. After a message board post, Lamington arrives to help. Eleven then proceeds to ADOPT EVERYONE. No one is surprised.
Post: The post Eleven shoots off to try and help Odette, mentioned above.
Post: Urd gathers PEOPLE OF SCIENCE. For some reason, Eleven is included. /shot
Log: Once again, Flonne needs help. This time, Laharl and Eleven team up. (There's also a journal post involved, but I can't find it just yet.)
Post: Lamington disappears.
Post:Tag invitation!
Log: Jenny and Eleven meet and have lunch.
Log: Tag, again!
Log: Duma and Eleven meet. Possible bromance is involved. :|
Post: Rapunzel asks about dreams.
Post: Priere needs help (idr if this was actually followed up on).
Post: Odette disappears.
Post: Duma and Eleven chat briefly. Very briefly.
Post: Whose turn is it to be annoyed by Eleven? Is it Megara? Yes! Yes, it is.
Post: The Genie decides to call all Doctors.
He gets two. Post: Ten! And... the Master gets trolled a little.
Post: Roxas decides to explore other floors.
Post: Luxord starts being creepy. Nothing else is new.
Log: Luxord and Eleven meet.
Post:Iroh decides to throw a tea party! (Another one where idr if it was followed up on or not.)
Post: Roxas calls Eleven.
Log: Roxas and Eleven head to Destiny Islands. It doesn't end well.
Post: ROOOOORRRRRYYYY. And Eleven doesn't recognize him.
Post: TIMON IS DEAD?! Wait, no, false alarm.
Post: Vyers is a total drama king. Eleven doesn't help.
Post: Basil shows up in Paixao! Eleven glees.
Post: Eleven calls Timon up for FEZ TIME. Rory is not impressed.
Log: FEZ TIME. For reals this time.
The Master. 'Nuff said.
Post: Mufasa is worried about Simba.
Post: Eleven trolls.
More to come as more plays out! If I've missed something, leave a comment!