anyone heard???? Hurricane Ivan is ticked off

Sep 17, 2004 03:37

Whitney Houston???
It's for my girlfriend

Oh Hurricane Ivan... he's really a great guy once you get to know him and once he stops acting all violent. Well here it has been pretty bad... a whole lot of wind, rain, trees falling down, and more rain. One cool thing about the storms though is that the University sometimes closes... well like it did today. Thing is I didn't miss any classes so that was a bummer. The warning had to take place 2 minutes after I finished my 1st political science test... not a bad class... I'm enjoying it... test was doable. Oh yea also I don't have class tommorrow, being a know-it-all-super-genius I only planned one class on fridays and guess who e-mails me tonight????? No Kellie not Al Gore... it was Mrs. Griffin!!!!... oh yea for all you who don't know... she's my english professor.. she explains how the extreme weather conditions make it impossible to get to class... no complaining on my part.. I'll enjoy sleeping in and my 3 day long weekend.

All I can basically say is that I love college. To me it doesn't even seem like school or like I'm really doing work. To describe it I would say that it's like summer camp being able to be surrounded by friends at all time with unlimited amounts of organized fun things and clubs you can do. I guess why I don't mind my classes is because of how much I like to learn and how interesting the information actually is.

English is out of this world becuase the teacher has such a great goofy humor and we are learning about privacy and also totally learning how to "really" write an essay. High school english really messed me up... 5 pargraph papers here are deeply frowned upon... oh well.

Political Science is okay. The teacher's not too bad... kinda can be boring but the thing is I love learning about our history and all the problems we've had in the past and how we've overcome them and still are overcoming some of them today.

Life in the Universe also very superb for a science class. The teacher's also really goofy and likes to make lots of lame jokes and comments.... which I always find funny. So far the course is kinda dry because we are really learning about what Life is and what it is like on Earth before we think about finding actual life in the universe. That class always gets me thinking about so many different things that are so over my head.. i love it. Also we watched the movie Contact in the class.... excellent movie... and have to write a paper about it for Tuesday... come on now... paper on a movie... not bad.

Sociology i'm really liking as well... need to catch up on some of the reading but for right now i'm okay. The guy, Beck, is really a funny guy with lots of stories to tell. He really makes the class interesting and fun by like always putting random jokes on the powerpoint slides that have nothing to do with what he's been talking about. The discussion group for that class is cool too, because we discuss cool topics like deviance and umm other stuff.

Bowling class.... thought was going to be lame... but no... getting much better. Was kinda bummed about signing up for a class that's not even on campus... good one einstein(robert). The teacher is from like Korea or Japan and so she has this really funny English-Korean voice, but she really is such a great teacher and really nice. I'm actually getting good at bowling... very slow start but I'm really understanding the art of bowling... beleive me it is an art.

Well that's about all for tonight I need to go get some sleep... later dudes and dudeette

Oh yea funny story.... stuck in elevator-take 2
Me and 2 of my hall buddies got stuck on an elevator tonight... my one friend might have jumped while going down so after that happened we heard funny noises then it just stopped between floors 3 and 2. After 20 minutes police show up and they open the door so we can see between the 2 levels... kinda scary but some people gave us snickers and popcorn to eat while we waited... another 20 minutes elevator techinicain shows up... another 10-15 minutes... we are out of there. scariest experience ever.. except on the time it happened at Marta

I'm dying to know
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so impossible or only the practical
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