Title: Hate Pairing: Jongkey Genre: Angst Rating: PG to be safe Word Count: 189 A/N: I’m kinda depressed so I wrote angst (who knew). From Key’s POV. Tumblr URL has changed to uverbeanlovepsychic.tumblr.com.
Title: Windows Pairing: Chansung x Junho Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 587 Summary: Chansung can’t stop staring. A/N: Again. Blame being awake at 400am. I don’t even.
Title: Water Pairing: Jongkey, Onkey Rating: R (for good measure) Word Count: 740 Summary: Jonghyun comes back to the dorm early and gets an unwelcome surprise.
Title: Settled Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Jongkey, Onkey Summary: Jonghyun needs to settle things with Key once and for all. Word Count: 187 A/N: I don’t really know. I blame it on being awake at 345am. *shrug*