Jun 04, 2008 23:47
- Morning guy didn't come to work, nevermind his schedule indicated MWF, summer schedule -in effect since last week - is MTWR only. :(
- I forgot to bring pierogis with me, didn't have anything to eat :(
Did have a really big jug full of lemon zinger tea that kinda helped tide me over ...not really.
- Going home, the brake cable on Walter snapped - no more brakes. All three bicycles are now out of commish. Gotta get to the bike shop and have at least one back to working condition. Walking r suxorz.
- Tasty salad, then fried rice for supper, delish! (:
- House S1D3 finally. We learn what happened to the leg and how. :|
I am now officially caught up on seasons 1 to 3. 74 days til S4 hits stores. :)