Akamepi ♥

Jun 10, 2009 22:23

~and this, just because I liked it XD

Akanishi: So.. what about me? What are my good points?
Hasegawa: ..if I think about it, Jin has none. Really, nothing. Hahaha.
Akanishi: What's with that!
Kamenashi: It's not like that, Jin's good points are.. ..really, there aren't any *laugh*

The Akamepi one is old, but I just love the way they fight ♥

Kamenashi: As for today, as Valentines is very soon, us three will have a talk concerning love.
Yamashita: Rea---lly, because I can't talk about romance, today Jin and Kamenashi can do it.
Akanishi: Yeah yeah, that goes without saying. It'll be ok because we're here.
Yamashita: No, it's because of you that I'm nervous...
Kamenashi: It goes without saying! So to start, if the three of us were to go on a group date, where should we go?
Akanishi: Definitely Disney Sea !
Yamashita: That's not about where to go. I don't want to hear where Jin wants to go. If you were to go on a group date, you have to listen. What if the girl says she doesn't want to go there?
Akanishi: Still, Disney Sea! Because I want to go~
Kamenashi: That's why Akanishi is selfish. You don't care. What about Pi? Where do you want to go?
Yamashita: For me, I've never had an interest in group dates. Especially at the thought of going with you two..
Akanishi: Doesn't it seem fun?
Yamashita: Well.. if I were to go on a group date, I'd want to go to the sea. But anyhow, Jin and Kamenashi will cause an unneccessary fuss and be an annoyance to the people around, and somehow I will have to apologise like 'really, excuse us'. Where does Kamenashi want to go?
Kamenashi: I'm the type, however, that either likes to be in an excitable group or to just be alone with the person. Maa.. if it happened, I'd go snowboarding.
Yamashita: That too, isn't is simply just because you want to go?
Kamenashi: It was exposed? Maa, anywhere we go will be ok. We can decide by playing rock, scissors, paper.
Akanishi: What kind of person is good for company~ Pi is difficult yo ne. You definitely wont change your opinion. You'd clash with a strong minded person.
Kamenashi: Un, that's obvious. If Pi is dating someone, it seems like you'll be like a domineering husband. I think a selfish person that wont listen to whatever you want them to hear is no good.
Yamashita: It's not like that.
Akanishi: No no. It's totally like that.
Yamashita: Is that right.. I think Jin's company is difficult. When you suddenly start singing on the platform at the station, there wont be people that will be too fascinated watching Jin to run away. After, you'll make a really long phone call to them, but there also wont be people who will cry when hearing Jin's song over the phone.. At times when you feel random, stop singing on station platforms. I can't take any more...
Kamenashi: Hahaha. Girls that see Akanishi don't like him.
Akanishi: Un. You could say that. On a first date, I can't think of anything good to talk about. But when you get familiar, you can talk about anything.
Yamashita: You sing a song once it's familiar?
Akanishi: Maybe *laugh*
Kamenashi: What kind of girl would suit me?
Akanishi: Because Kame is a dependant person, someone that will fawn over you.
Kamenashi: Un. I'm dependant. I'm dependable by using baby talk like "One way or another, lets kiss♥" [he said chu.]. ..this is just a joke though *laugh*
Yamashita: Even if your company is a girl, Kamenashi is going to fight over trivial things.
Kamenashi: Un. I definitely will. Of course it's necessary to constantly be in a battle with girls. When you fight is the first time you understand that person, isn't that right?
Yamashita: Definitely. I understand that feeling.
Akanishi: The first step in love is a fight. And with that, this is the end of this time.

translation: kame, translation: pi, translation: jin

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