sixth lesson | What To Do When Your Not!Dad Is Droned/Back To School

Sep 12, 2011 18:51

[So a few days ago, Negi woke up. However, he realized something was amiss when his "father" chattered about things he was sure was far, far too much like a drone's. And when he talked to him, his suspicions were only confirmed when Francis referred to him as his son.

As you can imagine, he hasn't taken the news well.]

[PHONE, back-dated]

[There's a hesitation in Negi's voice, a kind of sadness that only comes about when someone he knew and protected is either gone or droned.]

...For those who knew him, Francis Bonnefoy-san has been droned. I...I don't think he's coming back.

[ACTION, back-dated to start of school]

[Still, life goes on. He has to go to school--which feels sort of wrong because, well, usually he's the teacher, not the student. He graduated from that role a long time ago.

Of course, it and his recent loss don't mean he isn't acing all the subjects and being quite possibly the model student of all model students. Heck, if you're teaching a class he's in, chances are he'll probably try to correct you at some point. Especially if it's English.

Some things don't ever change.]

drones are never a good sign, and cue the all-night study sessions, poor poor negi-kun, but i have a license to teach!, can't catch a break, back to school blues, bugger it all, musings of a kid with no dad

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